16 Dicembre anniversario di nirvana di Buddha Tönpa Shenrab Miwo
Grossetto e divisione per le cose da fare è mia.
Attenzione, approfondimento si trova quà Tonpa Shenrab Miwo -The founder of Bon religion
Dear Friends and Disciples,
In this world filled with distractions and material wealth, in terms of a meaningful human life, people wish to enjoy happiness and hope that it will last. However, in this century, the world has seen tremendous changes, as we all know clearly. In the histories of the past, in this world, mankind has endured unbearable suffering because of wars, etc. These are stories belonging to the past. However, now in the present world, science has shown great progress and it has become easier for people to live together. But in the everyday conditions, owing to the economic changes affecting our world, numerous people are losing their jobs; in certain countries, people are suffering from starvation; in others there are wars; and still in others people suffer greatly from their government. Because of this situation, people are getting increasingly terrified. In particular, these days, terrible dangers such as the global warming and harm caused to the four elements affect us profoundly and there is nothing beneficial that we can do. This situation should be for us an example illustrating impermanence.
Whatever hardships and suffering arise, you should meditate on patience, compassion, impermanence, etc. This is the best method to apply your mind to.
In particular, during the auspicious dates, in terms of food, it will bring you great virtues if you eat white offerings or vegetarian food.
Similarly, you should pray for the peace and happiness of the world, and if you can exert yourself to your own practice, this will bring important benefit to both you and others.
For example, you should recite the Three Essence Mantras, the Essence Mantra of Long Life, the Essence Mantra of Jamma, etc.
On December the 16th, this is the anniversary of the nirvana of the Buddha Tönpa Shenrab Miwo.
Thus, it would be good if on this day, you could perform your own practice and
in particular recite many times the Mantra Om Matri Muye Sale Du.
I also send you my best wishes and greetings for the anniversary of the birth of Jesus on the 25th.
For the new year of 2010, I wish you all a good health, prosperity in your activities and I make aspiration prayers so that all your wishes may be spontaneously accomplished. Moreover, I sincerely pray that all illnesses, starvation and wars in the world having become pacified, all sentient beings may be endowed with the good fortune of enjoying happiness.
Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche
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