
domenica 19 giugno 2011

Ya Shi Wal Mo

E' un piacere che in You Tube si può trovare proprio di tutto oggi.
Stamattina volevo approfondire il thema di Yeshe Walmo. E -guarda te- ho trovato questi due video, invocazioni di Sidpe Gyalmo e di Yeshe Walmo

Visto che nessuno si fa vivo, non scrivo traduzioni -io lo capisco anche così.

Ma tu guarda che libro ho trovato "The Bon Religion Of Tibet"

Questa è Yeshe Walmo
approfondimento in inglese quì (BonPedia) (tutti altri siti ch sono riuscita a scavare danno lo stesso testo. Nonsò chi coppia chi.
Yeshe Walmo is a direct emanation of Sherab Chamma, the Wisdom, Loving Mother. She is the semi-wrathful aspect of Sidpa Gyalmo. (Ligmincha)

yeshe walmo

Invocazione di Yeshe Walmo

Testo completo si trova quà Olmo Ling e anche Audio

Invocazione di Sidpe Gyalmo


Sidpe Gyalmo (Queen of Existence) is the most wrathful manifestation of Sherab Chamma. Dark azure in color, fierce in appearance, she has three faces and six arms. She is adorned with a crown of skulls, bone ornaments, and a necklace of freshly severed heads. Her three right hands hold a victory banner, a flaming sword, and a phurba (dagger). She cuts the knots of illusion and roots out the three poisons of desire, hatred, and ignorance. In her left hands she holds an axe, a skull cup filled with blood, and at the heart, a mirror of wisdom that reflects all things clearly. Riding on a black mule with a naga king (Tib. lu, serpent spirit) as a halter and reins, she sits atop the skin of a corpse, symbolizing impermanence. She is surrounded by flames of wisdom fire. Crowning her head is Kuntu Zangpo in union with Kuntu Zangmo.

Side Gyalmo is both a yidam (mediation deity) and a protector. She is one of the most frequently propitiated deities in the Bon religion and extends her protection both to religious practitioners and non-practitioners. Though wrathful in appearance, she is an emanation of Sherab Chamma, and fully embodies the qualities of wisdom and compassion. (sorgente Dharma heritage project)

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